Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Spammers Already Abusing Considered Spam Blocking Approach

Its crazy - before the industry of email providers, ISP's and regulators can even decide on technical approaches to reducing spam (mainly focused on validating tha the sender of the mail is the authentic user of a particular IP address and email account), spammers take the lead and start using it themselves thereby quickly eradicating any usefulness of his approach.

Folks, if you are putting your hopes of solving the email spam problem onto your email providers, service providers, ISP's, etc... then you are leaving yourself wide open to attack. Pop over Spam Blocker Tips to see some of he recent analysis of both threats and measures that really do work in the ongoing struggle against spam.

Here is the article containing the research on spammers using the very spam blocker technique providers though would stop them.....
