Friday, June 10, 2005

Spammers Have Ways To Make You Click...

We've talked about it before over at our Block More Spam Site, spammers are becoming geniuses at getting you to open their messages.

Social engineering is the latest technique they use to create the urge to click through on their spam messages.

For example, today's attack on thousands of inboxes was a message that Michael Jackson had committed suicide - when in fact this was just a hoax to get you to click on these spam messages resulting in malicious code being downloaded to your PC.

Trouble is, you don't know what spam technique will be next. This one will catch hundreds of thousands unaware, and depending on the code installed on your computer, you could be made the unwilling accomplice in further spam attacks.

In many cases, these trojans overwrite your host files to prevent you from getting to popular virus detection sites, then register with a main host where other code is available or begin to use your PC as an unwitting mail server spewing out thousands more messages to others who go through the same cycle.

Other than a small performance hit - your PC will slow down a little, it is impossible to even know YOUR pc is being used this way, unless you deploy spam blocker software.

Get more information on what you can do to avoid becoming infected by the latest spam/virus combination - visit our Spam Blocker site now.


Thursday, June 09, 2005

Dangerous Mix of Spammers and Hackers

We've seen this coming, and now that hackers are mixing malicious code with spam, we have to start looking at spam as much more than just an annoyance, but as something that could pose extreme danger to our home and business networks.

In a bid to massively increase infection and impact of malicious viruses and worms,
hackers are teaming with spammers to get the initial trojan or code to a much wider range of machines. Once that is done, malicious code has various impacts such as blocking the link to major virs detection updates, setting your system up as a proxy for sending more spam and other very damaging impacts.

Increasingly, it is going to become necessary to block the spam in the first place, you shut down the malicious cycle right from the beginning.

To get more information on how to stop this damaging pattern - visit the Spam Blocker Software

To read the latest 3-phased, blended threat that mixes spam and hackers - visit this article:

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Spam causing you more stress?

In this day and age, who the heck needs more stress.

A recent survey completed by Symantec in Canada demonstrates that 22% of computer users found spam stressful.

Now, lets look into the future a little.

We are on the edge of moving toward internet on TV, mobile access to the internet and unprecedented access to email anywhere antime - assuming that spam continues to
increase, your stress level can only go up right?

Until recently, I was able to ignore this menace, but increasing dangers of spam now make looking for spam blockers a high priority for us.

You can see the results of our research here: Spam Blocker Tips
