Saturday, June 18, 2005

Anti Spam Software Demand Growing Fast

It should be no surprise, given the increasing threat and annoyance of spam in our lives, but recent research from Datamonitor proves that demand for anti spam software is growing fast.

Indeed, the very reason we started our information spam blocker software site was because we could no longer ignore the major dangers associated with spam.

For example, in the recent article "Cyber Crooks Go Phishing", the trend toward linking phishing - or those dangerous emails that try and get you to give your personal financial or payment information online - with spam to widen the net of victims is on the rise.

Anti spam software is now a multi-billion dollar market, and will only grow.

The only good side of this growth is that the prices of anti spam software are coming down significantly. Where there is such high demand, prices per unit can fall. You can now afford anti spam software - so its time to protect yourself.



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